The Number 1 Rule for Personal Style - birdie

The Number 1 Rule for Personal Style

Posted by Juliana Mendes on

It’s really normal for us to try to understand our personal style by looking outside, to the others. We look at Pinterest, our favorite influencers, stores, friends... but we usually forget to look inside.

Of course, references and inspirations have their place, and are very important, but they come after we build our own base. That’s why looking at ourselves is rule number 1.

Personally, I like starting this process of understand my personla style by thinking about what I like. What clothes do I love and wear often? What do they have in common? Is it the color, the fabric, or the pattern? What combinations am I always making? What aesthetic do I prefer? What do I like to feel in my clothes? What feelings and outfits do I gravitate towards in the different places and situations of my everyday life? What do I like about myself and my body? What makes my heart smile in life? ✨

These may seem like simple questions, but often we don’t know the answers to them, or they’re not that clear. But knowing these answers changes everything; they make it a lot easier and cooler to understand our personal style.

Sure, some things may change over time, but you will realize that some have been with you for the longest time. Pay attention to that! Oh, and there’s no limit to the things you can love, so let your heart be free 😋

It’s important to know what you don’t like as well, but I like to focus on what I like, because my thing is to focus on what makes me happy ♥️

So, have you done this exercise? Can you tell me 3 things you love to wear?

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