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We believe that clothes are an expression of creativity and beauty, a canvas to tell your story. That's why it’s so important for us to create our pieces in the most special way possible. From the idea to the most delicate finish, everything is handmade by Ju, who pours her heart and soul into every single detail.

This means that each piece here at Birdie has a unique story. Our slow, thoughtful process allows us to pay attention to every single step and to give our best to it. Every fabric we choose, every cut, seam and finish, to the placement of the last trim, everything is done with intention and care. Not a single detail is an accident, it's all intentional and very well thought out to be special and beautiful ♥︎

It also means more time dedicated to the construction of each piece, but also more attention and dedication, something that only an artisanal production can do. And we love that!

The result is beautiful, high-quality pieces that will last a lifetime. So when you wear a piece from Birdie, you're not just wearing clothes, you're embracing a story of art and creativity. It's a reminder of the beauty of things made by hand and how unique we are.

You can get a closer look at our creative process, production and day-to-day through our Instagram @birdieatelier, it will be a lot of fun to have you closer.